
(Working Title)

Astrocard Whitepaper

Explore, build, design and build your own world.

The Economy

After the establishment of The Coalition, the economy of the universe was restructured. The Coalition centralised and unified the currency of the universe, and established a single, universal currency: the Coalition Credit (CC).

The Coalition Credit is the primary currency of the universe. It is used for everything from buying and selling goods, to paying for services, to paying taxes. It is also used to pay for the purchase of land on planets, and to pay for the purchase of vehicles and spaceships.

Coalition Credits are a virtual in-game currency, and are not attached to an ERC-20 token or any other real-world currency.

Despite The Coalition's best efforts, however, the economy of the universe is far from stable. Different planets and galaxies are in different economic states, and the economy of the universe is constantly fluctuating.

As such, different places in the Universe will buy you more or less than others - all for the same price. For example, the same vehicle might cost 100,000CC on one planet, but only 50,000CC on another. This is because the economy of the planet is different, and the price of the vehicle is different.

A significant amount of items purchased in the Universe will be traced to its original retailer, and as such, items may have a greater perceived worth if purchased in a more prestigious retailer.

A CheatCode Media Group Product

Astrocard is a trading subsidiary of CheatCode Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company number #13307086 with registered office at 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom. Astrocard © CheatCode Media Group 2022. All rights reserved. Astrocard is a working title and is not intended to be used for any commercial purpose. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Unreal Engine, the UE logo, and the Powered by Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Not affiliated with Epic Games, Inc. This document is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be used for any commercial or investment purpose. Cryptoassets are highly volatile unregulated investment products. No EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk. Past performance is not an indication of future results.